Credit cards offer convenience and security, but sometimes they come with their own set of challenges. One of the most concerning issues cardholders face is unauthorized charges. Whether it’s a mistake, fraud, or an error, discovering unfamiliar charges on your credit card can be alarming. However, it’s essential to know that you have rights and steps you can take to dispute these charges and protect yourself from financial harm.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of how to dispute unauthorized charges on your credit card, ensuring you know what actions to take to resolve the issue quickly and effectively.

How To Dispute Unauthorized Charges On Your Credit Card

Understanding Unauthorized Charges on Your Credit Card

Unauthorized charges are transactions made on your credit card without your consent. These charges may occur due to fraud, identity theft, or clerical errors. In some cases, it could even be a case of your credit card details being compromised. Unauthorized charges can range from small amounts to larger, more significant sums.

The good news is that credit card companies have policies in place to protect consumers. The Fair Credit Billing Act (FCBA) ensures that you’re not held responsible for unauthorized charges, but you must report them in a timely manner. If you spot any charges you didn’t make, it’s crucial to take action immediately.

Steps to Dispute Unauthorized Charges

If you notice unauthorized charges on your credit card statement, don’t panic. Follow these simple steps to dispute them and potentially recover your money.

Review Your Credit Card Statement

The first step is to carefully go through your credit card statement. Sometimes, charges may seem unfamiliar because they appear under a business name you don’t recognize. In other instances, they could be due to automatic renewals or forgotten subscriptions.

Take note of all the charges that you believe are unauthorized. Gather details such as the date, amount, and merchant name. This will be helpful when you contact your credit card issuer.

Contact the Merchant

If you recognize the charge but don’t remember making the purchase, it’s worth contacting the merchant directly. Some merchants may offer refunds or can help clarify any misunderstanding regarding the charge. In many cases, unauthorized charges could stem from accidental billing or a subscription renewal you forgot about.

However, if the merchant denies the charge or is unresponsive, you should proceed to the next step.

Contact Your Credit Card Issuer

Once you’ve confirmed that the charge is unauthorized, immediately contact your credit card issuer. Use the customer service number found on the back of your card. When speaking to a representative, be clear and provide all the details related to the charge in question.

Make sure to explain that you did not authorize the transaction and request a formal dispute. Your card issuer will guide you through the process and provide you with the necessary forms or instructions for disputing the charge.

File a Dispute

Most credit card companies offer an easy process for filing a dispute. You may need to submit a dispute form either online or through mail. The form will ask for information about the transaction, your personal details, and the reason for the dispute.

Credit card companies typically give you a window of 60 days from the date of the statement to report unauthorized charges. If you miss this window, it may be more challenging to resolve the issue. Be sure to file your dispute as soon as possible.

Monitor Your Account

While your credit card issuer reviews your dispute, they will usually suspend the charge temporarily or reverse the payment if it’s found to be fraudulent. In the meantime, monitor your account for any other suspicious activity. Keep an eye on your statements and online banking to ensure no further unauthorized transactions occur.

It’s also a good idea to review your credit report to ensure your identity hasn’t been compromised. You can request a free credit report from all major credit bureaus once a year.

Follow Up

Once you’ve filed your dispute, your credit card issuer will typically investigate the issue. They will often resolve the dispute within a few weeks. However, if you don’t receive an update or the resolution is unsatisfactory, follow up with the issuer for clarification.

In some cases, you might need to provide further documentation, such as a police report or proof of identity theft. Ensure that you maintain clear communication throughout the process to expedite the resolution.

Protect Your Card from Future Fraud

After disputing unauthorized charges, take steps to protect your credit card from future fraud. Change your account password and PIN, especially if your card details were compromised. Consider setting up alerts for any new charges, which will help you catch unauthorized transactions quickly. Additionally, you may want to consider using virtual credit cards for online purchases for added security.

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Why It’s Important to Act Quickly

Time is of the essence when disputing unauthorized charges. The sooner you identify and report the issue, the better your chances of resolving it. Delays in reporting may result in additional complications, and in some cases, you could be held liable for charges that you didn’t make.

By following the steps above, you can protect yourself from financial losses and ensure that unauthorized charges are addressed promptly. Always keep track of your credit card activity and report any suspicious charges immediately.


Disputing unauthorized charges on your credit card might seem daunting, but by understanding the process and acting quickly, you can protect yourself and resolve the issue efficiently. Always stay vigilant and monitor your credit card statements regularly to avoid falling victim to fraud. If you believe you have been charged for something you didn’t authorize, don’t hesitate to contact your card issuer and take the necessary steps to resolve the issue.

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