Thinking of adding a credit card to your wallet? Then you must as almost every person owns a credit card these days as they are a great financial tool that can help you to build creditworthiness. There are a lot of credit card issuers in the market and one of them is the Yes Bank. It offers 10 credit cards to the general public which you can avail of. All you need to do is first identify your needs and spending habits and then compare the Yes Bank credit card to choose the one which compliments your needs and spending habits.
If you are wondering whether it will be the right decision to take a Yes Bank credit card, then you must read the below given 5 benefits of Yes Bank Credit Cards so that you can make an informed decision.
- Welcome Benefits: On taking the Yes Bank credit card the credit cardholder will get the welcome benefits only once they have joined a Yes Bank Credit Card membership. These benefits can be in the form of bonus reward points, cashback, complimentary movie tickets, gift vouchers, and several other types of benefits. The credit cardholder needs to pay the joining fee on time in order to avail of these benefits.
- Reward points: Every credit card has a different rewards program that contains different types of rewards such as reward points, cashback, Airmiles, and so on. Yes Bank credit cards are also similar to them you get the reward benefits on these credit cards in the form of reward points or cashbacks that you can enjoy.
- Travel Benefits: The travel credit cards offered by the Yes Bank includes the travel benefits such as complimentary lounge access, discounts & offers on flights/hotel bookings, complimentary spas, and so on. If you are a frequent flyer then you must consider taking the Yes Bank travel credit cards.
- Milestone Benefits: Almost every credit card these days are focusing on the milestone benefits in order to maximise the benefits of the credit cardholders. Different credit cards have different milestone programs, on reaching a certain limit of the program you either will be rewarded with the bonus reward points or with the complimentary movie tickets, or the cashback, etc.
- Other Benefits: Yes Bank also offers other benefits such as entertainment benefits, add-on credit cards, low-interest rates, low foreign markup charges, and so on. You also get to enjoy the fuel surcharge waiver, spend-based waiver, netbanking services, customer care support services, and so on.
Bottom Line:
To summarise, we really hope that we have answered your question about whether you should take a Yes Bank credit card or not. These credit cards are worth the consideration as they provide a highly rewarding rewards program. In order to maximise the above-mentioned benefits, you need to keep your credit card bill clear on time and maintain a low credit utilization ratio. You can achieve these by opting for auto-debit services and setting a threshold limit on your credit card. This will also help in building a strong credit history.
If you have any queries or questions then do reach out in the comment section, we would love to help you out.